Modern herbal solutions,
tailored to your needs.

Carefully formulated to nourish the mother after growing and birthing her baby.

Can traditional beliefs be confusing?

We're here to fix that.

Everyone wants to hold the baby, we hold the mother…

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Why the modern pui yuet?

Made for mothers, by mothers.

Backed by Ayurvedic, TCM practices and certified

Easy-to DIY methods that the whole family can follow in the comfort of your own home.

Affordable & effective.

Many of us love the idea of having a Pui Yuet to guide us through our postpartum journey, however cost, space, communication, language or other factors may make us uncomfortable and stop us from doing so. The Modern Pui Yuet was born to break those barriers and provide a hassle-free experience that works for all mothers.

Effective & Pure

Techniques, recipes and methods based on ancient Ayurvedic & TCM practices & wisdom.


Bending the rules of the traditional practices to fit our modern-day world should become common.


Designed to order with a simple click and direct delivery to your doorstep.


our free e-guide that includes just a few of our favorite confinement recipes, healing tips and advice.